Summer Youth Employment Program
The 2021 Marion S. Barry Summer Youth Employment Program (MBSYEP) application is available at www.summerjobs.dc.gov. Please encourage youth and families to apply early and before February 27.Nearly 100 MBSYEP participants will have the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience in the financial regulatory industry. The FIRREA agencies have expanded their intern cohorts to the following DCPS high schools—Eastern, H.D. Woodson, Anacostia, Ballou, Columbia Heights, Roosevelt, Cardozo, Ron Brown, Dunbar, and McKinley Tech. We will continue to work with hundreds of community partners and employers to continue this amazing program! MBSYEP 2021 program runs from June 28 to August 6. For more information, contact Dr. Unique Morris-Hughes at unique.morris-hughes2@dc.gov.