W- Welcoming: Woodson Warriors positively contribute to the classroomand schoolwide learning environment by being WELCOMING to others, the ideas of others, and new learning experiences.
A- Achievement: Woodson Warriors understand that student ACHIEVEMENT is what links us all together, so they give 110% effort as individuals and as a collective body.
R- Resilient: In times of challenge, Woodson Warriors are RESILIENT because they know that failure is not fatal and that it is about the courage to continue that will take them far.
R- Respect: Woodson Warriors understand that RESPECT is a reflection of self-worth, so they always give respect to adults, their peers, and most importantly themselves even at points of contention.
I-Impact: Woodson Warriors have lasting IMPACT, so they have a commitment to making their school and their community better.
O-Optimism: Woodson Warriors understand that an attitude of OPTIMISM is contagious and that it can determine the distance an individual or a group can go.
R-Ready: Woodson Warriors know that the secret to success is always being READY and prepared for the learning experiences taking place.